Wednesday, November 12, 2014

MNSH Eagles: Game this Sunday

Hello Eagles and Fans:

We've had two practices and the team is coming along nicely. We're hoping to pick up a few more of our veteran players over the next 2-3 weeks. There's a web page with team info including coach contact information:

About the Eagles:  

Our calendar is up to date, the URL is below. Unfortunately some events are appearing twice. We have a game Sunday, please arrive at least 30 minutes before game time:

Sun, Nov 16

Eagles at Stingers

11:40am-12:40pm (CST),  Braemar Arena, East


Braemar arena 

7501 Ikola Way, Edina, MN ‎

(952) 833-9500

Turnout will be low for this game! We have special Olympic bowling finals, family trips, etc. John Faughnan will be acting 'head coach' as Erin and Mark will be at bowling finals. I'm looking for volunteers to help on the bench, please email me if you can assist.

We are doing official TEAM PHOTOS on Saturday, Dec 6 at Bielenberg. John F will take less formal photos at another time (free).

The Roseville Oval is open if you'd like to get some extra skating in. I'm hoping outdoor rinks will open early, I know some are trying to take advantage of the early cold.

Please email if you'd like changes to your email address (add, remove, etc) -

See you Sunday!

About the Eagles:  

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